The Russia-Ukraine war hit them too! Restriction on oil sales from markets in Belgium

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According to the local media, market chains operating widely in the country began to impose restrictions on the sale of various products due to the excessive increase in demand.

The largest grocery chain in the country, Colruyt, has limited the sale of flour and oil as of today. In this market, a maximum of 2 liters of oil and 2 kilograms of flour are allowed to be sold to the customer.

Lidl markets, which operate widely in the country, also imposed restrictions on products such as oil, canned vegetables and toilet paper. The market in question allows to buy 2 liters of oil, 2 cans of vegetables and 3 packs of toilet paper.


Due to the Russia-Ukraine war, it was worried that there would be supply problems, especially in products such as oil and flour.

The two countries in question were “among the world’s largest wheat and oil producers”.

Due to the war, these products can no longer be supplied from these countries.

Similar restrictions were experienced in Belgium at the beginning of the Kovid-19 outbreak. In the first spring months of 2020, when tight closures were experienced in the country, markets limited the sale of products such as flour, pasta and toilet paper to one for a long time.

