The ICA trader’s warning to parents: “A huge problem”

The ICA traders warning to parents A huge problem

Therese Berntssonwho runs Ica Nära in Bua, tells Hallands Nyheter that more and more young people are staying in the playground outside the store, while customers have testified that they have been offered drugs.

During the autumn, a dog is also said to have ingested some preparation, which caused concern among the Ica dealer.

The ICA store is giving away free coffee to all customers – here’s why

Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT

Couple tried to steal toothbrush heads at Ica Maxi – lined purse with foil

The ICA dealer: “Easier to get hold of drugs than alcohol”

Now Therese Berntsson wants to draw parents’ attention to the fact that there may be drug dealing at the playground in question.

– What you hear from young people is that it is easier to get hold of drugs than alcohol today. It’s a huge problem, she says Halland’s News.

Therefore, only certain ICA customers get SEK 10,000 to trade with

Photo: Amir Nabizadeh/TT

The police have become involved in the matter and have shown their presence in the park on several occasions.

ICA changes the name of the popular item after the harsh criticism
