An international study has revealed that people who play video games for long periods of time have a higher risk of hearing loss and tinnitus.
Researchers from the USA, Switzerland, China and Australia examined a total of 14 studies covering approximately 54 thousand adults and children around the world and conducted a study that revealed the link between video games and hearing loss in the light of the results they found.
One of the researchers, audiologist and epidemiologist Dr. “Research shows that people who play video games for a long time have a higher risk of hearing loss and tinnitus (compared to those who do not play),” Lauren Dillard said in a statement. said.
Stating that exposure to loud noise tires the sensory cells in the ear, which negatively affects hearing, Dillard said, “This may cause temporary hearing loss or ringing in the ears. Regular or long-term exposure to noise also leads to permanent hearing loss over time.” he said.
Dillard advises monitoring the amount of sound exposure whenever possible, saying, “Be sure to pay attention to changes in your hearing. Basic symptoms of hearing loss include tinnitus, difficulty hearing high-pitched sounds, and difficulty following conversations.” made his assessment. Details of the research were published in the journal “BMJ Public Health”. (AA)