In 2024, these employees can store up to 70 days of rest

In 2024 these employees can store up to 70 days

This year, public servants have everything to gain when it comes to their vacations. They will in fact be able to take advantage of more days off than usual, thanks to a unique event.

When it comes to leave and RTT, it is often said that civil servants are better off than other professions in the private sector. Which is pretty true. Depending on the sector, excluding teaching, certain state agents accumulate an average of 42 days of leave, with RTT included. An asset of the profession, which should be talked about again this year. Because in 2024, 5.7 million public employees will be able to store more vacation days than usual. The reason is linked to a very specific event which will take place in France this summer: the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

In fact, the government put in place a circular on November 22, 2023. This is aimed at public officials mobilized for the Olympic and Paralympic games. It has been largely applicable since January 10, thanks to the publication of a decree for the territorial civil service, and two interministerial decrees intended for the state civil service and the hospital public service.

Concretely, these agents will benefit from an increase in the ceiling of their time savings account (CET). In principle, the CET allows employees to store “rights to paid leave or to benefit from remuneration, immediate or deferred, in return for periods of leave or rest not taken”, underlines the website of the Ministry of Labor. With this new measure, the CET ceiling will exceptionally increase by 10 days, thus going from 60 to 70 days in 2024, and this “including for agents whose ceiling is already set at 70 days”, specifies the circular. People who work in the hospital public service will also have an advantage this year. They will be able to add 20 days to their time savings account, compared to 10 days normally. Good news for agents who want to take their leave later, or who want to supplement their salary.
