Hybristophilia: how can women fall in love with criminals?

Hybristophilia how can women fall in love with criminals

Nordahl Lelandais, Marc Dutroux, Guy Georges… Some women feel an attraction to these men who have committed serious crimes such as murder or rape. How to explain this “fascination”?

In mid-January, news made the headlines and was shocking: Nordahl Lelandais, condemned to life sentence for the murders of the little girl Maëlys de Ajauro and Arthur Noyer in 2017, and also convicted for the sexual assault of one of his cousins, became father in prison. Before him, other criminals like Charles Manson, Marc Dutroux or Guy Georges also aroused the attraction of women. “How is it possible ?” some will say. Indeed, what can explain such fascination for criminals until their to write lettersgo meet in prisonto have some sexual relations and keep a child of such personalities? This is called “hybristophilia”.

What is hybristophilia?

Hybristophilia is a term used to describe sexual attraction or arousal related to partners who have committed criminal acts, particularly serious crimes such as the murder, rape or other violent behavior. “People attracted to criminals may be fascinated and seduced by danger, mystery, the strength or power that these individuals can represent” explains Dr Mathieu Lacambre, coordinator of the Legal Psychiatry Branch at Montpellier University Hospital. Hybristophilia is not universally accepted as a psychiatric disorder, and opinions on its existence and validity may vary among mental health professionals and the theoretical tools used. “Some people may be attracted to criminals due to personal problems or previous trauma, but this does not apply to everyone. As with any complex human behavior, it is difficult to generalize and provide a single explanation for this type of attraction.”

It depends on the people. “Some individuals manifest their hybristophilia through a marked interest in notorious criminals, continues the specialist. They can closely follow news stories about serious crimes or immerse themselves in documentaries, films or books dealing with such topics.” Others may seek to establish correspondence with inmates. “This can be done through letters, visits to prison, or even romantic relationships that can go until marriage in detention.Finally, some individuals may idealize or romanticize the criminal, attributing positive or mysterious traits to their personality, despite the wrongdoing they have committed.

What are the causes of hybristophilia?

The origin of hybristophilia remains complex and can be associated with different psychological and emotional factors. According to our interlocutor, it can result:

  • deep personal problems
  • unmet needs in the life of the person concerned
  • traumatic experiences in their own lives. “Trauma can create a need for understanding or control, and attraction to criminals can be a way of processing these experiences.”
  • an unconscious desire to control or manipulate complex and potentially dangerous situations through the bond created with the criminal person
  • personality disorders
  • a desire to transgress social norms by being attracted to socially unacceptable or prohibited behaviors, the idea can be a “source of excitement”
  • fantasies linked to danger, the forbidden, the repetition of crimes or power scenarios

Finally, “some people may experience an emotional deficit or difficulty establishing healthy relationships, and attraction to criminals may be an attempt to fill that emotional void“.

What are the treatments for hybristophilia?

Hybristophilia is not officially recognized as a distinct psychiatric disorder in diagnostic manuals such as the DSM 5-TR. “Therefore, there is no no standardized treatment protocol specific for this attraction”, confides our interlocutor. However, several approaches can be implemented:

  • Consultation with a mental health professional: A psychologist, psychiatrist, or therapist can help explore the causes of hybristophilia and develop a deeper understanding of the factors that contribute to this attraction. “They can also provide emotional support and tools to manage these feelings.”
  • Individual therapy: Individual therapy may be beneficial in helping the person explore life experiences, emotions, and thought patterns that may contribute to hybristophilia. “Approaches such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can be used to work on specific thought and behavior patterns.”
  • Group therapy: Participating in support groups or group therapy can provide the person with an opportunity to share their experiences with others who can understand and provide mutual support.

What are the dangers of hybristophilia?

Hybristophilia itself is not considered dangerous, but the behaviors that may arise from this attraction may be.

“Fascination promotes the establishment of a relationship of pathological control”

“For example, if a person who is attracted to criminals enters into a relationship with a dangerous criminal, this may pose risks to their safety, recalls the psychiatrist. Indeed, fascination impairs judgment capacities and favors the establishment of a relationship of pathological control.” Personal safety should always be a priority, and it is essential to exercise discernment when establishing a relationship with someone based on fascination with the crime they have committed. “Mental health professionals can help explore the underlying causes of hybristophilia and develop strategies to foster harmonious, healthy, and secure relationships,” concludes Dr Lacambre.
