Teenager killed in the metro in Saint-Denis: a young suspect in police custody after surrendering

Teenager killed in the metro in Saint Denis a young suspect

The day after the death of 14-year-old Sedan, attacked and killed at the Basilique de Saint-Denis metro station, a 19-year-old young man went to the police this Thursday.

Stabbed and beaten several times on Wednesday January 17, around 8 p.m., as he was preparing to take line 13 of the Paris metro at the Basilique de Saint-Denis station, in the direction of Saint-Denis Université, Sedan, young 14-year-old schoolboy, died “despite the rapid intervention of the firefighters who carried out a cardiac massage for very long minutes”, indicated Wednesday evening in a press release the town hall of Saint-Denis. In fact, a “hidden” man allegedly “threw” himself on Sedan and two of his friends, who were going down the stairs to get to the metro platform. He was equipped with a “knife”.

Put on the run by the schoolboy’s two friends, the attacker jumped on a metro towards the terminus of line 13, Saint-Denis University, where he was able to be filmed by surveillance cameras. However, his trace was then lost, notes The Parisian, who adds that, since then, the Bobigny prosecutor’s office has revealed that the main suspect in this case was able to be identified and presented himself to the police on Thursday afternoon. The man is believed to be 19 years old. He was taken into custody for intentional homicide. The investigation, meanwhile, continues. It was entrusted to the sub-directorate of the judicial police of Seine-Saint-Denis.

While this tragedy occurs in a context of increased violence, around ten brawls having been recorded over the last week in this territory, the socialist mayor of Saint-Denis, Mathieu Hanotin, announced a series of measures, with the aim of objective of a rapid return to calm. Thus, parents have been asked to invite their teenager(s) to “stay at home” for the next few days outside of classes and their extracurricular activities. A “temporary ban on gatherings on public property” has also been put in place “until January 22, 2024 at noon” and police reinforcements must be deployed at the scene of the latest brawls, but also around schools.
