Cancer: 40% of women do not take this test which can save their lives

Cancer 40 of women do not take this test which

This examination detects 32,000 precancerous and cancerous lesions each year in France but almost one in two women do not do it, deplores the Cancer Institute.

More than 3000 women discovered they had cervical cancer in 2023, with an average age at diagnosis of 55 years. He causes every year 1,100 deaths. “It is one of the only cancers for which the prognosis is worsening in Francewith a survival rate at 5 years old decrease (63% today)”, deplores the National Cancer Institute (Inca). In particular: insufficient participation at screening: 40% of women do not participate or not regularly.

A painful exam?

Cervical cancer screening is part of a organized national program. He is recommended for all women to 25 to 65 years old without history or symptoms, vaccinated or not against human papillomaviruses Or HPV.” These viruses frequent are transmitted most often during sex, with or without penetration and can cause damage to the cervix. Lesions that can develop into cancer: 32,000 precancerous and cancerous lesions are discovered each year through screening – it reduces the incidence of cervical cancer by 90%. Screening is done:

  • Either by a cytological examination : every three years between 25 and 29 years old, after the first two normal annual examinations.
  • Either by an HPV-HR test : every five years between 30 and 65 years old.

Supported at 100% without advance fees

This is a levy of cells at the level of the cervix commonly called “smear“. It takes a few minutes. Installed in the gynecological position in the professional’s office, it inserts a speculum into the vagina in order to visualize the cervix. He takes cells from the cervix which are then placed in a container sent to the laboratory for analysis. “This examination is not painful, although some discomfort may be felt” specifies the Inca.

Concretelyif you have been screened for cervical cancer during of the last three or five yearsdepending on your age, nothing changes. During your next screening, you will be informed by your healthcare professional that your results will be transmitted to the Regional Cancer Screening Coordination Center (CRCDC) where you are responsible. On the other hand, the women who did not get screened within the recommended time intervalreceive an invitation letter which must be presented to your gynecologist, attending physician or midwife.

Screening by cytological examination or HPV test is covered at 100% by Health Insurance without advance costs. The consultation with the healthcare professional is covered under the usual conditions by your health insurance fund and your complementary health insurance.

To encourage women to be screened, the National Cancer Institute has developed many information formats (audio chronicles broadcast on more than 1,000 radios, web radios and websites, educational information leaflet, comic strip, etc.) allowing each of them to understand the issues of this screening which can save their lives. Finally, for the youngest, there is an effective means of prevention against cervical cancer: HPV vaccinationrecommended for young people girls and for all boys of 11 to 14 years oldwith possible catch-up vaccination between 15 and 19 years old.
