Lex Edico is a bill that was presented by the association Sweden’s School Leaders in a debate article in Göteborgs-Posten. The proposal would give school leaders the opportunity to report reduced school budgets, which risk having serious consequences for students.
– Lex Edico would mean that we get a chance to speak forcefully when we are put in a situation where we cannot comply with the school law, says Malin Rimmö, principal at Hansåkerskolan in Stugun.
Today, school leaders have no opportunity to report serious deviations within the school that, for example, violate the School Act, neither to the School Inspectorate nor to another body.
– We could have reported even when students cannot reach the goals, or when you cannot carry out certain efforts such as special support.
Refused the municipality’s cuts
Over the years, the principal has refused to make the savings demands that the municipality wanted, which has led to a reminder from her employer.
– I had wished that I didn’t have to resort to such strong actions. The School Act is clear in that the student has the right to support, and that is what we follow.
According to Malin Rimmö, implementing the savings would lead to her violating both the Work Environment Act and the School Act.
– The difference is that if we violate the Work Environment Act, then we are obliged to report it to the Work Environment Agency. However, there are not the same requirements against the School Inspectorate if we break the Education Act.
What she hopes for is that Lex Edico becomes more than just documentation. If the law were to be adopted, she wants to see that measures are taken when reporting.
– This is for the students and Skolsverige, we stand up for the Swedish school and we have to start listening to what is missing and fix it.