Finland’s golf stars were shocked by the new national team coach – Mikko Korhonen downloads: “Taxi driver is hired” | Sport

Fire against the wall golf professional Mikko Korhonen withdraws

The Golf Association announced last week having named the new national team coaches for the coming five-year period.

Coaches were appointed to the team Ville Sirki, Minea Blomqvist-Second, Mikael Salminen and Timo Karvinen. I was chosen as a physical trainer Eero Partio and as a physiotherapist Markus Kangasvieri.

The selection of the 36-year-old Salminen as the coach of the amateur national teams has caused a lot of anger in sports circles, because the former competitive player has no coaching background or, for example, PGA training. Salminen has had nothing to do with competitive golf in recent years.

Around 20 coaches had applied for the federation’s four sports coaching positions, including, according to Urheilu, the most famous coaches in the country, such as Timo Rauhala, Petteri Nykky, Mikael Mustonen and Pasi Purhonen.

One of Finland’s top professionals Mikko Korhonen cannot understand the hiring of Salminen.

– This is a completely farcical show from the Golfliito. It does not surprise us top players, because the level has been operating like this for years, says Korhonen.

– Of course, there is nothing against Salmi himself as a person. However, for the other coaches who applied for the position, this is a blow and an indication that there is nothing for them, but instead a taxi driver who has once played on the Finnish Tour will be hired.

In recent years, Salminen has worked as a taxi driver and as a salesman in a construction company.

Top golfer Kalle Samoa knows Salminen well from his playing days, but does not think he is the right person for the demanding task.

– He’s a good guy and it’s great that he’s got a place, but to be honest, I don’t think that the competence is enough to lead that team.

Mikael Salminen, contacted by Urheilu, commented on the matter in a message.

– It has been really sad to notice that there has been a partly negative reaction to the matter. However, golf is my own area of ​​expertise and my heart beats strongly for competitive golf, as it has done for 25 years, Salminen communicated.

– It’s great to be able to use my own competitive golf experience as well as knowledge and skill of the sport in the role of a coach, and to be involved in helping young competitive players move forward in their playing careers. After all, that’s what this is all about, Salminen continued.

Criticism of the management of the sports association

Korhonen’s and Samooja’s criticism is primarily aimed at the management of the sports association.

According to them, the leadership level of the union has no understanding of where the world’s top level is going. While in Denmark and Sweden, for example, there are former Ryder Cyp-level players working at the union to move players forward, in Finland we are far from a similar model.

– Of course, I’m only talking about top golf, and I’m not involved with other activities, but in that department, the association is a full-blown club. They don’t have any information about what’s going on in the world or an understanding of how good the players are on the top tours, Korhonen rants.

Samooja states that all of the Finnish players seen on the European tour in recent years have their own coach, and no one cooperates with the association.

– There is enough know-how in Finland, but we should blow on the common coal and such solutions do not help the gang to want to cooperate in a big way. If I had to seek coaching help myself, I would unfortunately not turn to this foursome in this situation.

During the last year, the players have cooperated with the union in order to make their voices heard better. Antti Ahokas has been a player’s representative in the competitive sports steering group influencing the new competitive golf strategy.

From the point of view of the cooperation with Ora, the choices made now were a bad setback.

– We hoped and were actively in touch with the union a year ago so that things would change and we could do something together, says Samooja.

– However, this turned the sled in such a wrong direction that we can hardly find any common will. This is the complete opposite of what has been talked about and how in a more professional direction we top players think the association’s activities should be taken.

This is how the Golfliitto responds to criticism

The Golf Association’s competitive sports manager Juha Juvonen answered Urheilu’s questions regarding Salminen’s selection.

Why did you choose Salmin, who has no coaching background, no PGA training and has not even been involved with competitive golf in recent years?

– About 20 coaches from different backgrounds applied, and a certain number of applicants were invited to interviews. They were interviewed and suitability assessments were made. It was concluded that in accordance with the long-term and strategic goals, Salminen would be a suitable piece for the team of four coaches. As for the training, he has a solid competitive player background, like many other applicants, and he has enrolled in a training program to get a theoretical qualification as well.

What do you expect from Salmis, what are his most important tasks and what were the strengths that tipped the scales in his direction?

– He was a very positive experience in the interview, and we felt that he responds to the things we emphasized with, among other things, process ownership and the ability to understand things. Although he has been away from the hottest competitive golf for a few years, we did not feel that the background he has acquired outside of golf is a negative thing. There are elements that support under pressure and in matters required to produce results.

– He will primarily be responsible for working with amateur national teams or the association’s coaching groups.

Coaching manager Eero Kangasniemi has a very close relationship with Salmi and they have, among other things, been each other’s best men at weddings. How was this situation taken into account when making the choice?

– It has been taken into account in all respects in the entire process, and there is nothing unclear about it. Things have been taken into account so that Kangasniemi has remained himself and he has been left out.

In our interview, Mikko Korhonen and Kalle Samooja, one of Finland’s top players, gave you some pretty harsh criticism regarding the coach selections. They feel that you don’t have an understanding of what the players need at that point and what the demands are at the top of the world. How worrisome do you think it is that the most famous players in the country are giving a rant in this way in the direction of the union?

– If they feel that we have no understanding, then that is their view on the matter. We have acted to the best of our ability, and those to whom we are responsible in the organization have given positive feedback on the process. That in itself is enough for us. Of course, it’s a shame that the best players in the country make such statements, and I’m not going to comment on whether their knowledge is sufficient for this or not.

– If they think it’s enough and they make these comments, they have full freedom to do so. Of course, I would hope that the comments would come directly to the parties involved, and not through some public information channels.

– Tour players are also expected to contribute other than mere criticism regarding the selections. We want them to be actively involved in sharing knowledge and skills. We want them, too, to feel part of the Finnish golf team.
