WHO announced the name of the new variant

In the written statement made by the World Health Organization (WHO), he touched on the details of the meeting held to evaluate the new mutation of the corona virus (Covid-19) seen in South Africa and named B.1.1.529. WHO announced that the new mutation, named B.1.1.529, changed its name and named it “Omicron”. Stating that this mutation is more contagious, WHO said in its statement, “This mutation has a large number of mutations, some of which are alarming. Ten findings are that the new mutation carries a higher risk of transmission.” Stating that the number of cases carrying the Omicron mutation is increasing in South Africa, WHO noted that it has classified the new mutation as “Anxiety Mutation (VOC)”.


In a statement made by Slovenia, the current chairman of the European Union (EU), on social media, it was stated that 27 EU countries “agreed on activating the emergency restriction, imposing temporary restrictions on all travels from South Africa to the EU, testing all arriving passengers and applying quarantine”. . European Union (EU) Commission Chief Spokesperson Eric Mamer made a statement on his social media account, confirming that EU member countries have decided to restrict travel to Botswana, Esvatini, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe, stressed the importance of testing, quarantine and contact tracing.


In the statement made by the French Prime Ministry, it was stated that flights from South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Namibia and Esvatini to France were suspended for at least 48 hours, and that passengers from these countries in the last 14 days were notified and Covid-19 They were asked to take the test.

In the statement made by the Russian Service for Human Health and Consumer Rights Protection (Rospotrebnadzor), as of November 28, travel to Russia from South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Madagascar, Esvatini, Tanzania and Hong Kong has been announced. reported to have been stopped.

In a written statement, Italian Health Minister Roberto Speranza stated that he signed a decree banning people from South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Namibia and Esvatini from entering Italy in the last 14 days.

In a statement on his social media account, Maltese Health Minister Chris Fearne stated that travels from South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho, Botswana, Esvatini and Zimbabwe to Malta and from Malta to these countries will be temporarily stopped as of midnight tomorrow.

In a statement, British Health Minister Sajid Javid announced that 6 African countries were included in the red travel list, and South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Lesotho and Esvatini on Sunday, 28 November at 04:00 due to the B.1.1.529 mutation of Covid-19. He stated that he would be subject to the red list rules from .


Ursula Von Der Leyen, President of the European Commission, suggested in the early hours to impose a travel restriction on the South African region to EU member states, and said, “All air travel to these countries should be suspended until we have a clearer information about the danger posed by this new mutation.”


The USA will impose a travel restriction to South Africa and 7 African countries from Monday due to the new variant of the new type of coronavirus (Kovid-19).

US President Joe Biden made a written statement regarding the new Kovid-19 variant emerging in South Africa.

Stating that his advisers advised him to act immediately against this variant, Biden stated that as of Monday, travel restrictions will be applied to South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Lesotho, Esvatini, Mozambique and Malawi.

Within the scope of this restriction, people who are not US citizens or residents will not be able to travel to the US from these countries.


Speaking after his meeting with government members, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett announced that the entire continent, except the countries in the north of Africa, was put on the “red list” in the travel table and that the travel of foreigners from these countries to Israel was stopped.

Bennett noted that Israelis who came from or have been to the red-listed countries in the last 14 days should report this to the authorities, have a PCR test, and remain under strict quarantine until the results are received, and that a study is being carried out to detect those traveling to these countries.

Stating that a new variant of the coronavirus (Kovid-19), named B.1.1.529 and common in South Africa, Botswana, has been encountered in one person in the country, and they estimate that this number may increase, Bennett stated that the cabinet will meet tomorrow to discuss new measures.

Bennett stated that while the Jews were preparing for Hanukkah, the religious holiday, the new variant complicated the situation, but they took precautions such as collecting infection samples from the sewers and purchasing 10 million new variants sensitive PCR test kits.


On the other hand, it is estimated that the Omicron mutation detected in South Africa is more contagious than the Delta variant of Covid-19 and may show resistance to treatments. While the mutation is detected in a person in Belgium, there is great concern that the mutation may spread in Europe, while the mutation is also known to be seen in Hong Kong, Israel, South Africa and Botswana so far.

