was there an elimination in episode 6? Summary and notes

was there an elimination in episode 6 Summary and notes

PEKIN EXPRESS 2022. Five pairs competed in episode 6 of Beijing Express broadcast on M6 on March 17, 2022. Notes and summary.

[Mis à jour le 17 mars 2022 à 23h30] Episode 6 of Beijing Express was broadcast on M6 on March 17, 2022. The 5 pairs still in competition embarked on their last race in Uzbekistan. The start of the race, however, had some surprises in store for them, since the rule of mixed teams was in force. Axel and Sarah, Nicolas and Jean-Claude, Charlotte and Tarik, Fanny and Lucas and Ahmed and Jeremy started the race together in order to qualify for the immunity test. The separation was particularly difficult for Jérémy and Fanny. The couple never stopped yearning for each other, Fanny even admitting to being “in panic” without her husband. Encouragement from Ahmed and Lucas didn’t make things any better. Finally, it was the pairs Axel / Jean-Claude, Sarah / Charlotte and Tarik / Ahmed who qualified for the immunity test.

The immunity test of this 6th episode of Beijing Express was a classic for the faithful of the program: the reach of jar. Axel quickly decides to target Ahmed and only fill his jar, which stirs Tarik’s revenge. The latter only fills Jean-Claude’s jar until it cracks. For a long moment, Charlotte is left alone, the jar empty. Eventually, Ahmed and Tarik win the immunity contest and qualify for the next leg of the 2022 race.

A new rule: the express freeze

The last part of the race of this episode 6 of Beijing Express is punctuated by a new rule unknown to M6 viewers: the Freeze Express. Buzzers are positioned on the path of the candidates. The team that presses it first freezes the other pairs for ten minutes, and can continue the race at their own pace. Successively, Fanny and Jérémy, Axel and Jean-Claude then Lucas and Nicolas freeze their opponents. In the end, it was the Belgian brothers who arrived first in the race and made sure to continue the adventure. Charlotte and Sarah arrive last and find themselves playing the final duel. They decide to confront Axel and Jean-Claude, so that a girl, in this case Fanny, is guaranteed to continue the adventure as far as possible. Jean-Claude does not hide his incomprehension in the face of such an argument.

Sarah and Axel confront each other during this final duel of Beijing Express. This consists of building a stone tower without it collapsing. Axel wins the final duel. But fortunately for Charlotte and Sarah, this final duel was not eliminatory: for the second time this 2022 season, the Monegasque sisters escaped defeat and remained in the adventure with a disability. You can vote for your favorite pair in this Beijing Express 2022 episode below.

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Program sheet

Beijing Express is an adventure game broadcast since 2006 on M6. This television show, presented by Stéphane Rotenberg, sees pairs go abroad every year. The goal: to survive thanks to the inhabitant and to go to different stages in the country, to rub shoulders with events that allow them to qualify for the rest of the competition.

The 2022 season of Beijing Express is broadcast on M6 from February 10, 2022. Please note, the day of broadcast has changed: it is no longer Tuesday evening, but now Thursday evening that viewers will be able to find the adventure game at the other end of the world.

During the 2022 edition of Beijing Express, eight pairs compete in the M6 ​​game in the hope of becoming the big winners of this season 15. Since February 10, 2022, viewers have been able to discover the profiles and backgrounds of the duos following:

  • Etienne and Vanessa, the pair of strangers
  • Jean-Claude and Alex, the grandfather and his grandson from Gers
  • Arlette and Caroline, fusional mother and daughter from Toulon
  • Charlotte and Sarah, the inseparable sisters of Monaco
  • Lucas and Nicolas, the Belgian brothers
  • Fanny and Jérémy, a couple from the Lyon region
  • Tarik and Ahmed, cousins ​​from Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
  • Sylvie and Alex, lovers with opposite characters from the PACA region

Beijing Express has been broadcast since February 10, 2022, on Thursday evenings, starting at 9:05 p.m. M6 has been broadcasting this adventure game since its creation. The first episode is broadcast every week: February 10, February 17, February 24, March 3… If you missed an episode, it is however possible to catch up on replay. The day after its broadcast, the sixth channel puts it online for eight days on its streaming and replay platform. 6play.

For the time being, we do not know the winners of Beijing Express 2022, the season having not yet been broadcast on M6. During the last season of Beijing Express, the final of which was broadcast on M6 on April 27, 2021, Claire and Christophe became the 2021 winners against Cinzia and Rose-Marie. The father-daughter duo won 58,730 euros. The previous edition, Beijing Express All Stars, saw the victory of the Corsican couple Julie and Denis, finalists of the 2013 season.

Do you also want to participate in the next Beijing Express season? Nothing’s easier ! Just go to the site casting-pekinexpress.fr and complete their application. To participate, however, you must be at least 18 years old and be able to make yourself available for 45 days. M6 asks candidates to send three photos per person (portrait, silhouette and one summarizing the personality) as well as a photo of the pair. You then have to fill in your personal information and answer several questions about your personality.
