Frederik X is proclaimed king

Frederik X is proclaimed king



Today, Queen Margrethe of Denmark abdicates and Frederik X is proclaimed Denmark’s new king.

The streets of Copenhagen are celebrated with folk festivals and fireworks.

Aftonbladet’s Jenny Alexandersson is there and here in the live reporting you can follow everything that happens.

  • Welcome to this afternoon’s live reporting from the change of throne in Denmark. It is a historic day. Aftonbladet’s Jenny Alexandersson reports on the spot from Copenhagen – and I from the editorial office. Follow us.

  • Now it’s starting to tighten up. Oh, so many people out on the streets of Copenhagen. The police have just blocked off the entrances to Slottstorget in front of Christiansborg Castle because there is no more room now.

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    full screenMany have gathered to see Denmark get its new regent. Photo: Krister Hansson
