Anders Knutas claims that children themselves choose to get cancer

Children who have cancer have chosen it themselves.
Cold facts have examined a well-known healer who is praised by celebrities – but who treats diseases based on very controversial ideas.
The politicians did not want to go ahead with a bill that could stop unscrupulous actors from treating serious diseases.

Anders Knutas runs a healing center in Stockholm and has been praised in podcasts with, among others, Agneta Sjödin, Viktor Frisk and Holy Crap.

It is only in an interview with Kalla fakta that Anders Knuta’s views on diseases are revealed. It is something we ourselves invite into our bodies, says the energy healer who claims that children who die have chosen it themselves.

– Many children choose to take on an illness to teach their parents things. If you are going to teach the parents to open their hearts, then as a baby you can leave life too early, says Anders Knutas, who runs the healing center Lifeforum in Stockholm.

If a child gets cancer, have they chosen it?

– Many times it is like that, yes, answers Anders Knutas.

Would you say that to a child with cancer?

– Many times it is the children who tell me that they have contracted an illness to make their parents see them.

Weak legislation

Anders Knutas claims that he can heal trauma and mend broken bones by releasing energies. According to current legislation, there is no prohibition against it, it is only cancer, epilepsy and diabetes that a person outside of healthcare may not treat.

In an investigation from 2019, it is proposed that the law be changed, so that the ban covers all serious physical and mental illnesses. But that investigation has so far not led to any change in the law.

Health Minister Acko Ankarberg Johansson writes in an email comment that the government is following the results of supervision and that it cannot be ruled out that the law may need to be changed, but that it may require further investigative work.

The entire Cold Facts program “Lucked to suicide” is available on TV4 Play.

Lured to suicide

The orientation Love & light with “starseeds” and “lightworkers” is spreading among young people. But behind promises of self-development, messages of suicide are being spread.
