Journey into the brain | Case

Journey into the brain Case

To give a magnitudeit is estimated that the brain contains just over 100 billion neurons each of which can form up to 10,000 connections, all contained in a volume equivalent to that of a carton of milk. It is thanks to this formidable neural network that we can enjoy a good movie, fall in love or solve a puzzle, among other things.

The brain is the seat of higher functions (cognitive functions, senses, memory, emotion…). Scientific research allows us today to know more about this essential organ which ensures the regulation of all vital functions.

It is estimated that the brain contains just over 100 billion neurons.  © DR

The brain in all its states

In this file, browse in detail theanatomy of the brain, the description of the nerve cell (neuron), the role of Genoa in brain formation.

Discover the causes and consequences of the difference in size (and functioning) of the brain between men and women, learn everything you need to know about the imprint genomics then test your knowledge at the end of the file with our tests.

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