7 million French people can claim this aid of 600 euros – which will change their daily lives

7 million French people can claim this aid of 600

At the start of the year, financial aid will be extended to seven million French people. It will allow them to install a device in their home that will be used on a daily basis, even for work.

Are you unable to receive the Internet correctly in your home? Worse still, videos on your mobile or computer take long minutes to load, just like downloads? You are probably one of the 7 million French people who struggle to have a good Internet connection at home. If this situation handicaps you on a daily basis, to telework for example, rest assured, it will soon be history. Indeed, ten years ago, the government of François Hollande launched a vast project to connect all French people to very high speed. The years have passed and since then, President Emmanuel Macron has bet on having a “France 100% fiber by 2025”, can we read on the government website.

To carry out this ambitious project, Jean-Noël Barrot, the current Minister Delegate in charge of Digital, announced on December 17, 2023 the expansion of very specific aid to finance the installation of optical fiber in people who are deprived of it. The subsidy in question has existed since 2019 for rural areas of the territory. From now on, it will be extended to “the entire national territory, and the 7 million households which are not yet eligible for fiber”, and will be “effective at the beginning of the year” 2024, Jean-Noël Barrot specified during his interview at The gallery.

The amount of aid is 300 euros and can go up to 600 euros for the most modest households. It will allow beneficiaries who have subscribed to a subscription to purchase the necessary equipment, a satellite dish kit connected to the satellite network in particular, and to finance the installation and commissioning of very high speed, in the form of an immediate discount. . The terms of this new measure should soon be specified in a decree to be published in the Official Journal. But if we refer to the initial conditions of the aid, visible on the website of the Ministry of the Economy and Finance, individuals can receive “up to 300 euros for labeled offers offering Very High Speed ​​(download speed of at least 30 Mbit/s) and up to 600 euros subject to resource conditions.” A boost that is far from negligible!
