who will be his new chief of staff? – The Express

who will be his new chief of staff – The

He is one of the most influential people at the top of the state. Senior civil servant Emmanuel Moulin, current director of the Treasury and former chief of staff to Bruno Le Maire, has been appointed chief of staff to the new Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal, the latter’s entourage announced on Wednesday January 10.

“Currently Director General of the Treasury, Emmanuel Moulin has perfect knowledge of the functioning of the State, which the Prime Minister was able to observe when he worked with him as Minister of Public Accounts,” it was specified.

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Touting “his very great professional qualities”, Gabriel Attal’s entourage added that he was taking up his duties on Wednesday, following Jean-Denis Combrexelle, who had occupied this strategic position with Élisabeth Borne since July 17.

A “pair” with Fanny Anor

Emmanuel Moulin, 55, director of the Treasury since 2020, will form a “pair” with Fanny Anor, Gabriel Attal’s chief of staff at the Ministry of Education, it was added. The entourage of the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire spoke to AFP of “a very close friend, a friend”.

A graduate of Sciences-Po, Essec and Énarque, Emmanuel Moulin was an alternate administrator at the World Bank in Washington (2000-2003), then secretary general of the Paris Club, before entering the private sector, as a banker. senior at Citigroup.

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After a stint in Christine Lagarde’s office in Bercy in 2007, he joined the Élysée in 2009 as advisor to President Nicolas Sarkozy. After the latter’s departure, he returned to the private sector, successively at Eurotunnel and Mediobanca.
