How to protect baby from the cold? Good reflexes to adopt

How to protect baby from the cold Good reflexes to

At home, outdoors or at night… Here’s how to keep baby warm in winter, with advice from Alice Malbois, childcare nurse.

When temperatures drop, we are always afraid, as parents, that our children will catch a cold. And it’s not just about covering them in several layers of clothing when leaving the house, or wrapping them up in their footmuff… At home, when going outdoors and even during naps or at night , several things can be put in place to protect baby from the cold. Here are the reflexes to adopt with the recommendations of Alice Malbois, childcare nurse.

How to protect baby from the cold at home?

Although you have heating in your home, it is essential to dress your baby well in clothes appropriate for the season. At home, “if you feel his skin cold, skin to skin is a very good alternative to warm baby with your body heat“, recommends the nurse. In winter, depending on the temperature in your home, adapt your outfit, with a long-sleeved bodysuit and a small sweater or cardigan, pants, socks or small slippers.

How to properly cover baby when going outdoors?

If you plan to go out with your little one, it is better to avoid going outdoors.when temperatures are significantly below seasonal norms”, advises the nurse. You must also think carefully about equipping your child by covering their head, ears, hands and feet and using the right outerwear (footmuff or combipilot for the stroller, blanket or carrying coat for physiological carrying) . You will have understood, gloves, hat, scarf and shoes are essential when it is cold. Our favorite ? Hats with two panels that cover the ears and attach at the neck. Finally, don’t forget to uncover your baby if you go into a store or in the car, so he doesn’t get too hot or sweaty.

How to protect baby from the cold at night?

Before putting your baby to bed, remember to check these points so that your child can sleep in good conditions:

  • Maintain the temperature of his room between 18 and 20°C;
  • Be sure to maintain the correct humidity level and ventilate the room twice a day;
  • Dress your little one appropriately: long-sleeved bodysuit, pajamas, TOG 2 sleeping bag;
  • Do not add a blanket to the baby’s bed to prevent the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. If it’s cooler, opt for a warmer sleeping bag or pajamas;
  • Prefer soft and airy materials like cotton to dress it.
