Ten million dollars for Hamas information

Ten million dollars for Hamas information
fullscreen US State Department and Secretary of State Antony Blinken promises reward for information on Hamas. Photo: Alex Brandon/AP/TT

The US State Department is announcing a reward of 10 million dollars, around 102 million kroner, to whoever provides information about the terror-labeled Hamas financial network. In a statement from the Foreign Ministry, a number of people are named who are designated as financial intermediaries for the Islamist extremist group.

The designated persons are mainly domiciled in Turkey, but also in Sudan or with close links to Iran.

The reward is given to those who can provide more information about the designated, reveal the sources of the financial assets, or about the institutions that ensure that money reaches Hamas. Information about companies or that are secretly owned or controlled by Hamas is also included in what the US is asking for.

The information is considered confidential and can be provided via multiple platforms on social media or by phone, the US State Department writes.
