Keir Starmer’s speech marks Labor’s campaign start

Keir Starmer divides Labor over his stance on Israel and

In the UK, 2024 is set to be an election year. We do not yet know the date but Parliament should be renewed in the second half of the year. At the start of the year, party leaders are making their wishes a particularly political moment. The leader of the Labor opposition, Keir Starmer, announced as the winner of this election, set the tone of the campaign for Downing Street this Thursday morning.

2 mins

With our correspondent in London, Émeline Vin

All polls give the Labor Party, positioned on the center-left, at least ten points ahead of the Conservatives, in power for fourteen years. Opposition leader Keir Starmer has an easy target: “ You have the right to hate what politics has become. You can reject the populism of conservatives, who think that’s all you deserve. This is all they have left, after fourteen years without a positive outcome, with no other goal than to save their own skin. »

In his speech lasting more than half an hour, the former lawyer promises to revolutionize British politics: “ We must replace the politics of division and decline, and replace them with a new project, that of hope. Our objectives: achieve the best growth in the G7, halve gender-based and sexual violence, clean energy by 2030. »

“hope project”

Asked about the substance of his project, Keir Starmer evades. And returns to his “hope project”, that of a new society: “ When politics aspires to national unity, to the common good, this requires moderating our ambitions, out of respect for those who do not believe as we do. I say to all the voters of this country: my party will be at your service. »

The opposition leader assures that he will not increase taxes once he comes to government. This Thursday, January 4, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak indicated that he planned to call the next legislative elections in the second half of this year, the date of which is the subject of intense speculation in the United Kingdom.

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