Anders, 60, was abused at work as a snowplow

Anders 60 was abused at work as a snowplow

During Thursday evening, December 28, 2023 worked Anders, 60 as usual plowing snow. During his work shift, he was abused by a villa owner, which Gefle Daily was the first to report on.

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“Yawned and Screamed”

– He was so upset and hot and behind him were two younger men at the front door. They gaped and screamed and I explained that I follow the municipality’s directives and they can contact the municipality with their views. Then I closed the door and gassed from there because I realized that there was no point in explaining more, Anders tells The evening paper.

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He doesn’t have time to drive long before someone threw something at the plow machine.

– Then some crap was thrown at the machine and I got so pissed off and hit a cross rivet. I jumped out and then a guy came running and I barely had time to react. I raised my fist to protect myself but was hit in the side so that glasses became rubbish.

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“Hardly saw anything”

Then the snowplow tells us that he fell to the ground.

– When I was lying there, I was afraid of being fired, but I got up and managed to call one of my managers. I didn’t have glasses so I could hardly see anything.

One of his managers and another police officer were called to the scene. Anders is fine under the circumstances, but is frustrated by the incident.

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“In recent years it has become so incredibly aggressive”

He has been plowing and clearing snow since his teens and has been subjected to threats and abuse several times. He took a 10-year hiatus from his work because he couldn’t handle all the threats he received.

– In one session you can get three or four jumps. People who point fingers, shout that you are stupid in the head, gape, shout and throw things. This is our fucking everyday life. People have always been pissed off, but in recent years it has become so incredibly aggressive, Anders tells Aftonbladet.

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