“Afropolitane” is the successful humorous web series created by Soraya Milla and Aline Milla. Broadcast on TV5 Monde and TV5 Afrique, it depicts the daily lives of Yvoire and Janis, played on screen by Manda Touré and Tracy Gotoas. Two very different sisters who must face, in their own way and with their personalities, the question of identity when having a dual culture.
Soraya Milla is the daughter of her mother Aline Angelo Milla. Together, they gave birth to two daughters. Finally, “brought into the world” is a way of speaking! Let’s say that they conceived, in thought, in concept, in scenario, in creation and in realization, two girls, Yvoire and Janis.
Who are therefore two sisters, but who are above all as different as water and fire. The first is played on screen by Manda Touré. She navigates with more or less happiness in the sometimes tricky waters of double culture. It’s Tracy Gotoas who plays the second, an Afro-feminist activist always ready to take out her claws to defend her convictions. Combing buns and cutting hair into quarters guaranteed, Yvoire and Janis are also the daughters of Thérèse Alfonsine Zissou, a respected and essential hairdresser in Goutte d’Or, the African district of Paris.
This is where the episodes of the “Afropolitane” series take place, this humorous web series, whose 5 to 10 minute episodes also make you think, as they reflect the daily life of a community. The second season is now online and broadcast in parallel on TV5 Monde and TV5 Afrique.
Soraya Milla, Aline Milla, Manda Touré And Tracy Gotoas are the guests of VMDN.
Rebroadcast of the show from Wednesday September 27, 2023.