Princess Sofia spent SO MUCH money on clothes in 2023

Princess Sofia spent SO MUCH money on clothes in 2023

The princess Sophia, 39, is truly a fashion princess through and through. She is often praised for her brave choices when events such as the Nobel dinner or other festivities are held.

Princess Sofia and Prince Carl Philip at the Elle Gala 2023. Image source: Christine Olsson/TT Bild Princess Sofia has an incredibly impressive wardrobe. Image source: Stella Pictures Princess Sofia has bought 100 new garments this year. Image source: Stella Pictures. Princess Sofia likes beautiful dresses. Image source: Stella Pictures. Princess Sofia celebrated Christmas in burgundy velvet. Image source: Stella Pictures.

She is often seen in Swedish design such as Dagmar, Ida Lanto and Ida Sjöstedt, but sometimes it is also Italian fashion houses such as Prada or the dress king Roland Mouret.

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Of course, it’s not just luxury, luxury, luxury on the agenda for Sofia. She has also been seen in more wallet-friendly brands such as H & M, Indiska and Lindex. Recently wrote News24 about how Sofia during the opening of the Riksdag last September wore a budget bag from Lindex.

Princess Sofia’s impressive wardrobe – up and sniffing the million

Sarah Williams operates the site UFONomore. And it’s not about spaceships and green men. UFO in this context stands instead for Unidentified Fashion Object. There, Sarah Williams identifies clothes and accessories worn by royalty from both Sweden and the rest of Europe.

To sum up the royal (clothing) year that we have now left behind us, Sarah Williams has made a compilation of how much money the Swedish princesses have spent on their respective wardrobes.

Princess Sofia does not skimp when it comes to clothes. Image source: Stella Pictures.

Sarah Williams has calculated that Princess Sofia bought 100 new garments in the year 2023. She wore 45.16% Swedish fashion, and the brand she was seen in the most is the Finnish brand Andiata.

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On average, each garment Sofia has been seen wearing in 2023 has cost approximately SEK 10,000, and the cost of her entire wardrobe for the year 2023 amounts to a total of SEK 824,000.

It’s more than the Crown Princess Victoria added to her wardrobe in 2023, and it was even more than the princess Madeleine shopped for during the year.
