Salcef, 2021 profit rises to 52.2 million. Dividend of 0.46 euros

Salcef acquires the railway company branch of PSC

(Finance) – The Board of Directors of Salcef Groupa company listed on Euronext STAR Milan and active in the railway infrastructure sector, approved the 2021 financial statements. The year ended with revenues to 440.1 million euros (+ 29.3%), a EBITDA to 97.3 million euros (+ 23.3%) and a adjusted net profit to 52.2 million euros (+ 25.3%). There Net financial position it is positive for 114.5 million euros (adjusted value at 31 December 2020 positive for 20 million euros). The board proposed a dividend equal to € 0.46 per share (up 9.5% compared to the ordinary dividend distributed in 2021).

“The results approved today give us a group that for the for the first time in its history, it exceeded 400 million in revenueswhich can count on an order backlog of 1.2 billion thanks to contracts signed during the year for one billion, and with a positive net financial position of 115 million euros – commented theAD Valeriano Salciccia – These results are the result of the mix of organic growth in the volume of activities in all operating business units, supported by CAPEX of more than 10% of turnover, and of the constant research and training of specialized personnel, as well as the contribution of new acquisitions “.

The group does not currently have any business or operational activities in Russia or in another country subject to sanctions by the European Union and the United States. Looking at the outlook for 2022, it is emphasized that the expected profitability values “will be affected by the effects, not reliably quantifiable to date, of the significant and unpredictable increase in the major production factors used by the group – in particular those of the cost of labor, raw materials, the cost of services, and in particular of subcontracts, as well as the cost of energy, and in particular of the fuels necessary for the operation of the machinery “.
