We can attack the Huthi rebels – from the air

The situation in the Red Sea is escalating.
Britain is ready to deploy its military against the Huthi militia – which at the same time is warning countries to get involved.
– There will be consequences that could affect everyone, says a spokesperson for the rebel group.

Britain is ready to deploy its military to stop Yemeni Huthi militia attacks on ships in the Red Sea. British Defense Minister Grant Shapps writes in the newspaper Telegraph.

Defense Secretary warns that Britain will not hesitate to take “direct action” – and is considering airstrikes against the rebels.

“The Houthis should not misunderstand: we are determined to hold aggressive actors accountable for illegal seizures and attacks,” writes Shapps.

After US helicopters yesterday sank three of the rebel boats that tried to hijack a Danish ship, the Houthi militia is now warning the countries that support the US.

– We call on other countries not to support dangerous American actions. It will have negative consequences that could affect everyone, says Yahya Saree, spokesperson for the Huthi militia.

December 18, 2023

Huthi rebels get on board by helicopter – see the pictures

Denmark: The attack unacceptable

The Houthi movement has carried out a series of attacks targeting merchant shipping in the Red Sea since November.

The motive is said to be a reaction to Israel’s offensive in Gaza after terrorist attacks by Hamas on Israel. The Houthi movement says it wants to attack ships that have links to Israel or are on their way to Israeli ports.

Danish Foreign Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen calls the Huthi movement’s latest attack unacceptable. The government wants to send a Danish frigate to the Red Sea to participate in a US-led effort to protect international maritime traffic, which was created barely two weeks ago.
