Children kidnapped in Vänersborg and man arrested after intervention

During the evening, the police received an alert that two children, a girl under the age of 18 and an 18-year-old boy, had been kidnapped in Vänersborg, something that Aftonbladet was the first to report.

After a major effort, the police were able to find the children who were being held against their will in a car.

“Very included”

The children were taken to safety and are said to have escaped without physical injuries.

– But they must have been very involved, says police duty officer Morten Gunneng to TV4 Nyheterna.

The perpetrator who drove the car fled the scene but was later arrested by the police. The police used both a dog and a helicopter during the operation. The man is suspected of, among other things, kidnapping.

– Some criminal classifications may be added, says Morten Gunneng.

The police are not looking for additional perpetrators and have ended the operation.
