what changes on January 1, 2024 – L’Express

what changes on January 1 2024 – LExpress

This year, the minimum wage will increase slightly, minors aged seventeen will be able to drive alone, and tobacconists will sell shotgun cartridges: find out everything that changes on January 1, 2024.

The monthly minimum wage gains 15 euros

The minimum growth wage (Smic) is automatically increased by 1.13% due to the increase in prices. It goes from 1,383.08 euros net monthly to 1,398.69 euros, an increase of 15.61 euros net per month. The basic salary of public officials is increased by five index points on January 1, i.e. a monthly increase of around 25 euros gross.

Internships in vocational high schools will be compensated

All internship periods for professional high school students carried out since the start of the 2023 school year will give rise, with retroactive effect, to an internship allowance from January, ranging from 50 euros per week (in second grade) to 100 euros per week (in final year). ).

Pôle emploi becomes “France Travail”

Pôle emploi changes its name to become France Travail with a new logo. Provided for by the “full employment” law, France Travail is supposed to allow better coordination of actors in the public employment service.

READ ALSO: Macron and full employment in 2027: a promise that flies away

Changes for MaPrimeRénov’

The bonus for the energy renovation of housing is refocused on large-scale renovations, mainly for thermal strainers (classified F and G housing). To benefit from it, you will need to gain at least two energy classes on the energy performance diagnosis, and carry out at least two insulation actions and one ventilation. Assistance for the installation of air-water or geothermal heat pumps, or connection to an urban heat network, increases from 1,000 to 2,000 euros for low-income and intermediate households.

READ ALSO: Renovating and renting a thermal strainer: our advice on how to navigate it

Launch of the MaPrimeAdapt’ system

It allows over 70s and disabled people to benefit from assistance in carrying out work to adapt their home, for example replacing the bathtub with a walk-in shower or installing a lift. electric staircase. This bonus can finance 50 or 70% of the work, depending on the applicant’s resources.

Housing: a bonus of 5,000 euros in rural areas

To help young people, new entrepreneurs or seasonal workers find a roof over their heads, owners who renovate homes that have been vacant for more than two years in rural areas to offer them for rental become eligible for a bonus of 5,000 euros per home.

Revaluation of the PEL rate

The remuneration rate for new housing savings plans (PEL) signed from January 1 increases to 2.25%, compared to 2% currently.

READ ALSO: Livret A, tax advantages… These measures of the 2024 budget rejected by the Constitutional Council

Alone behind the wheel at seventeen

Young people aged 17 or over will be able to drive as soon as they obtain their code and their B license. It was previously possible to obtain your driving license at the age of 17 with accompanied driving. Furthermore, all types of licenses, notably motorcycles and carts, can now be financed by the personal training account, whereas currently only B licenses, heavy goods vehicles and buses were concerned.

Speeding and fines

Speeding below 5 kilometers per hour, until now punishable by the removal of a point on the driving license and a fixed fine ranging from 68 to 135 euros, will now only be punished by fine.

Social leasing on electric cars

The government finances an electric car rental offer (new or used) for less than 100 euros per month (excluding insurance). This rental offer is accessible to households whose reference tax income does not exceed 15,400 euros per year (per share). It is initially reserved for “heavy riders”, who live 15 kilometers or more from their work or travel more than 8,000 kilometers per year.

Extension of Low Emission Zones

In Strasbourg, Lyon and Grenoble, vehicles classified Crit’Air 4 (diesel cars before 2006, two-wheelers before July 2004) can no longer circulate during the day, during the week, in low-emission zones (ZFE ).

READ ALSO: “Imposing EPZs without a credible alternative is the assurance of a social explosion”

Help with purchasing used bikes

Purchase aid for bicycles is available to second-hand bicycles under the same conditions as for new bicycles, for lower incomes or for professionals: within the limit of 40% of the cost of the bicycle, with a capping between 150 and 3,000 euros depending on the type of bike.

Tire recovery

Individuals can now drop off up to 8 used tires per year free of charge at a distributor, with no obligation to purchase a new tire.

A more advantageous “repair bonus”

Having the screen of your accidentally broken mobile phone repaired entitles you to a 25 euro discount. The repairer must be labeled “QualiRépar”. The “repair bonus” is extended to 73 household appliances (instead of 49) and doubled for five everyday appliances: 50 euros for the washing machine, dishwasher and dryer; 40 euros for the vacuum cleaner; 60 euros for the TV.

Sorting organic waste

Local authorities will have to provide their citizens with a sorting solution at the source of their organic waste (green waste, food waste). They can collect them door-to-door, install voluntary drop-off points or rely on another local management system.

READ ALSO: Sorting of bio-waste: the serious delay in lighting up in municipalities

Solar panels required in certain car parks

New outdoor corporate parking lots of more than 500 square meters must be shaded by trees or solar panels. Existing car parks of more than 1,500 square meters are also affected.

Free collection of building waste from distributors

Since May 1, 2023, the largest construction materials stores have taken back construction site waste free of charge, provided it is sorted. From January 1, 2024, metals, wood and plastics can be mixed.

From “sustainable” to the canteen

Obligation for all collective catering to serve at least 50% “sustainable” products or with official signs of quality and origin, including at least 20% organic farming products.

READ ALSO: School canteen: four reasons to make it compulsory

Plastic-free fruits and vegetables

If cherries, endives, salads, mushrooms, strawberries or sprouted seeds benefit from an exemption, all fruits and vegetables packaged in batches of less than 1.5 kilos can no longer be sold in plastic packaging.

Increase in the price of stamps

The price of the stamp will increase on average by 8.3%. The price of the green stamp will increase from 1.16 to 1.29 euros, an increase of more than 11%.

Ammunition in tobacco shops.

Tobacconists will be able to sell category C ammunition (mainly for hunting) and D (varied ammunition which is free for adults to acquire). They will first have to complete a two-day training course and enter into an agreement with a reference gunsmith to obtain approval from the prefect. This is not an obligation. The system will be implemented gradually and will mainly concern rural areas where traditional gunsmiths may be fewer in number.

Courts for domestic violence

Courts and courts of appeal have a “specialist division in domestic violence” to better coordinate criminal procedures, with regard to violent spouses or parents, with civil procedures – instructed by a children’s judge or by a family affairs judge responsible for issuing a protection order in favor of a woman in danger or ruling on parental authority.
