Anders Pihlblad’s unique meeting with Estelle and Oscar

Nyhetsmorgon’s Anders Pihlblad hosts the program Kungahuset 2023 on TV4.
He has turned his back on royalty during the year – and once something unexpected happened.
– What do you do? Well, just join in, he says.

The royal family has had a busy year dominated by the celebration of the king’s 50 years on the throne. Anders Pihlblad, the weekday presenter of Nyhetsmorgon, has worked extra hard as a court reporter and followed the royals on trips both in Sweden and abroad.

– There were a number of travel days during the year. I’ve never done anything like this before, so it was a little different, he says in Nyhetsmorgon.

Holding on to the titles – but sometimes it goes wrong

Anders Pihlblad says that he is often asked if he gets to know the royals when he interviews them.

– No, I don’t know them anyway. The side you face is the royal side. But it is clear that if you meet a person quite often, you learn more about that person, but getting to know them – no. And that’s not the point either.

Jenny: But isn’t it an easy thing to start praying?

– Well, I actually think I’m quite good at holding the titles anyway. It’s also practical, it marks distance. I haven’t had any problems with it. Then when I listen to the interviews, I hear that I make mistakes sometimes. It is not the whole world, it is human.

Unique meeting with the crown princess’s children

A few weeks ago, he received a call from the court that he would be allowed to meet Crown Princess Victoria’s entire family at a snowy Djurgården in Stockholm. It is not very often that Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar meet the media.

– They usually join in and wave from balconies and such. But then we were there in the snow a few weeks ago with the entire crown princess family – so they are participating for the first time, says Anders Åihlblad.

And then something unexpected happened.

– On the way there, Prince Daniel plays with his children. And all of a sudden I’m rocked! What do you do? Well, just join in.

Jenny: You didn’t knock down Prince Oscar and smother him with snow?

– I don’t know if the protocol allows it, laughs Anders. But I wasn’t the one who got kicked last anyway..

Yesterday 12:27

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Anders Pihlblad has followed the royal family during the past year.
