Person superlative on Cinderella – missing

Person superlative on Cinderella missing
full screen Viking Line’s ferry Cinderella. Archive image. Photo: Hasse Holmberg / TT

A person fell overboard on Saturday evening from M/S Viking Cinderella, en route from Stockholm to Åland.

A major rescue operation is underway, but at 00.30 there were no traces of the person who is said to have fallen overboard.

– One of the crew saw a person fall overboard at 11.17 p.m., but we are unsure whether it was a man or a woman, says Anders Larsson, deputy rescue leader at the Maritime and Air Rescue Center JRCC.

The person must have fallen overboard north of the Kärven lighthouse in the outer archipelago. The ship, on its way from Stockholm to Mariehamn on Åland, stopped as soon as the alarm went off and a massive rescue operation began immediately, first with the help of the ship’s own rescue boat.

– We have a lot of resources on site with a helicopter and rescue ship searching, but it is dark and far from land, says Anders Larsson.
