Teacher competitions, 10 days left to ask to participate in the first of the three “smart” selections

Teacher competitions 10 days left to ask to participate in

(Finance) – The countdown for the first of the three has begun competitions to become public school teacher, as provided for in article 20 of Pa bis decree n° 75/2023, which modifies the methods on new recruitment contained in Law 79/22. In total, 70,000 places will be assigned. There expiration to join the first procedure is expected in ten days, on January 9th next, and concerns the selection to become a teacher in all school cycles: the selection will be of a “smart” type, since the written test will be based on the computer-based immediate response method, with the topics presented common to all classes competition which will allow aspiring teachers of multiple competition classes to be involved with a single test, including support. The oral will follow with lesson disciplinary. The second competition notice includes tests after next summer. The third, however, will take place in 2025.

Anief remember that in September a new school year will begin with the usual ones 200 thousand substitute teachers: to win the substitute a couple of decisions are needed. The first is to stop deluding ourselves that the new competitions will be enough, which in fact will perhaps cover the turnover: what is undoubtedly decisive is instead the permanent hiring by GPS of all the vacant positions, without any more economic discrimination. Restoring the dual recruitment channel is an essential condition. Just as it would be essential to provide for the hiring of all suitable teachers: for this reason Anief continues to forcefully ask to proceed with the hiring of subrogated teachers also for the over 20 thousand participants in the Extraordinario bis competition through the integration of the rankings of the reserved competitions: it would be an important first step to valorize those who deserve the professorship, overcome chronic precariousness and – concludes Pacifico – truly open the doors to teaching continuity”.

The selective procedures 2023/24 I’m like “smart”, writes Orizzonte Scuola. For the trial written the Ministry is thinking of 6 sessions for primary childhood, 20 for secondary school. In this way, in less than a month it will be possible to “clear” the written test, a record time if we consider that in 2022 – at the time the 2020 ordinary competition test was taking place – the period 14 March – 27 May was necessary. The Ministry is also thinking of incentives for staff who will be part of commissions that will carry out the work with a certain speed. Therefore “early and well” should be the leitmotif of the 2023 competition.

To be hired will be those who after the sum of scores of written test, oral test and qualifications, will be placed within the number of places advertised. 30% reservation of places is foreseen for candidates with three years of service in the last ten in state schools, of which one specific, even non-consecutive. How does it work. How is the integration, within the limit of the advertised positions, foreseen in the ranking to the extent of any subsequent refusals to be admitted to the role, with candidates who have achieved at least the minimum score required for passing the exams? tests competitive. In the event of an equal overall score, the preferences referred to in article 5, paragraph 4, of the Presidential Decree of 9 May 1994, no. will apply. 487.

The rankings Of merit will be approved by decree by the manager in charge of the USR responsible for the insolvency procedure, are transmitted to system informative of the Ministry and are published in the notice board and on the USR website. For the competition classes for which the interregional aggregation of the procedures is arranged, separate rankings are approved for each region: they will be valid for one year starting fromschool year subsequent to that of approval of the same and lose effectiveness with the publication of the rankings of the subsequent competition and in any case at the expiry of the aforementioned period, without prejudice to the right of the winners, as identified in paragraph 1, to be placed on the role, where necessary also in the years subsequent periods, in the event of insufficient places allocated annually for recruitment, within the limit of faculty hiring them available under current legislation.

The Ministry of Education and Merit has already communicated to the unions that it intends to publish the second competition of the PNRR extraordinary phase in September/October 2024. Those who have not passed the first competition will probably be able to participate in the second competition, plus those who in the meantime have acquired the entrance qualification (30 of the 60 ECTS useful for the qualification). If the deadlines are respected, there will be two possibilities, one close to the other, so that access to the qualification paths is continuous and becomes structural.
