Thinner PlayStation 5 is “officially” available for sale in Turkey

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Japanese tech giant sony, new in the past months PlayStation 5 introduced its models. These versions are finally “official” in Turkey.

For those who missed it, the new version has the same performance as the old versions. PlayStation 5 The versions directly replace the existing consoles and are built on thinner / shorter cases. Regarding the new versions, there are still two different versions on sale, one with a disk drive and one without a disk drive, but now there is actually a single PS5 console. Because Sony has installed the disk drive of the device. It has become a separate product. If desired, a disk drive sold separately for $80 can be added to the “Digital” version, which does not have a disk drive and costs $450 abroad. For the main version, which comes with a disk drive directly in the box, you have to pay 500 dollars abroad. Products that went on sale in the USA in November are now available directly in Turkey. from here It can be purchased with official warranty. “Slim” versions, which were previously brought to Turkey through some intermediary names, Unfortunately, they have a price of exactly 30 thousand TL.


So exactly how thin or small are these new versions? This The photos you can see in the gallery above clearly show it. With these photos, the size between the old and new PS5 versions The difference can be seen very clearly. As we said before, the new PS5 models are smaller, but it should not be forgotten that the console is still quite large.

Thinner PlayStation 5 is officially available for sale in Turkey
