Kebab contained horse and stopped from sale

Earlier this week, TV4 Nyheterna reported on a wholesaler in Dalarna that was subject to a sales ban after it was noticed that kebab meat contained upwards of 30 percent horse meat, something that was not stated in the list of contents.

According to early information, it should have been about 65 kilos of kebab meat that was delivered to restaurants and pizzerias throughout the country. Now reporting P4 The valleys that it is about much larger quantities than that.

Closer to 7 tons

According to food inspector Mattias Nolåkers, it is about 6.7 tonnes.

– They have sampled this kebab meat and then found horse meat in the product. There is somewhere between five and 30 percent horse in this kebab product, he tells the radio.

Most of the meat has already been delivered and served. The sale has been stopped and the kebab meat has been confiscated.

According to the environmental office in Borlänge municipality, the sale is being stopped because the labeling is misleading and because the meat is unsafe from a food point of view.

The wholesaler believes that it is a factory in Germany that has made a mistake, reports P4 Dalarna.
