where is the epidemic in France before the New Year? – The Express

where is the epidemic in France before the New Year

The flu epidemic continues to progress. In recent days, it has spread particularly to the Paris region, while that of bronchiolitis has continued to decline. This was indicated on Wednesday December 27 in the weekly report of Public health France. In summary: the main indicators of the epidemic – number of doctor consultations, hospitalizations – remain “rising”. In other words, the level of virus circulation is very active during the week of December 18 to 24, 2023.

The increase in the number of flu cases concerns all age groups, but more particularly children aged 0 to 14 and, to a lesser extent, people aged 65 and over. In France, the epidemic, which had spread to the entire eastern part of the country, is now hitting two new territories: Île-de-France and Hauts-de-France. They are one of the seven regions in the epidemic phase with Burgundy-Franche-Comté, Grand Est, Occitanie, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur.

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A more marked increase among children

As for the areas of France where the epidemic is not yet in full swing, they are already in the so-called “pre-epidemic” phase. Virological data are also clearly increasing in community medicine and to a lesser extent in hospitals. In overseas departments and regions (DROM), Guyana and Mayotte were in an epidemic state while Guadeloupe moved to pre-epidemic this week.

Last week, “the rate of consultations for all ages combined for influenza-like illness was 274 per 100,000 inhabitants, compared to 228 per 100,000 inhabitants” the previous week (December 4-10). Another important criterion: the share of activity of SOS Médecins for influenza-like illness is growing equally in all age groups. In detail, there is an average of 773.6 medical procedures for suspected flu out of 10,000 (compared to 701 the previous week). This increase is particularly marked among young people aged 0 to 14, going from 4.5% to 6.5% in two weeks. That’s a difference of 1.1%. Among seniors, this share is 4.3% compared to 3.8% at the beginning of December.

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For visits to the emergency room, there are 76 out of 10,000 (compared to 52, seven days previously). Unsurprisingly, hospitalizations are also increasing with 1,471 flu cases out of 10,000 (compared to 1,381 the previous week). What about mortality? There too, there is a slight climb. From December 18 to 24, among the 6,096 deaths declared by electronic certificate, 0.6% were with a mention of influenza as a morbid condition having directly caused or contributed to the death (compared to 0.4% the previous week). Furthermore, Covid-19 is mentioned in 7.4% of deaths (compared to 7.1% the previous week).

Barrier gestures still important

The last major winter epidemic to be monitored weekly, Covid-19 continues to record a significant wave but this is starting to ebb slightly. “In this context of high circulation of various respiratory viruses and in addition to vaccination against influenza and Covid-19” among the most vulnerable such as those over 65, “the systematic adoption of barrier gestures by all remains essential, particularly wearing a mask in the event of symptoms, in busy places and in the presence of vulnerable people”, recalls Public Health France.

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According to the health agency, vaccination coverage against Covid-19 for the fall 2023 campaign for people aged 65 and over is 28.5% (20.8% of 65-69 year olds, 26 .2% of those aged 70-74, 33.9% of those aged 75-79 and 34.2% of those aged 80 and over). Since October 17, 30.4% of Covid-19 vaccinations have been carried out at the same time as a flu vaccine among people aged 65 and over.

While the flu is spreading in France, the public health agency, however, confirms a decline in the bronchiolitis epidemic, which mainly affects babies. After a peak at the beginning of December, its main indicators decreased “for the third consecutive week”, notes Public Health France, emphasizing however that they remain at a high level, all metropolitan regions remaining affected by the epidemic.
