Moldovan President Sandu: Putin must be stopped or else Europe will pay a heavy price | Foreign countries

Moldovan President Sandu Putin must be stopped or else Europe

Russia has accused the pro-EU President Sandu of spoiling relations between the two countries and fomenting Russophobia.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin and his war of aggression in Ukraine must be stopped or all of Europe will end up paying a heavy price, says Moldovan president Maia Sandu.

EU-friendly President Sandu commented on the matter in an interview with the Romanian Veridica media, reports news agency Reuters.

Sandu has long condemned Russia’s military actions in Ukraine and considers the country’s leadership to be the biggest single threat to Moldova, which is located between Ukraine and EU member Romania. Russia has accused Sandu of spoiling relations between the two countries by inciting Russophobia.

– You must understand that Putin will not stop unless he is stopped, Sandu said in an interview with Veridica.

– If he is not stopped, the price will be much higher for all of us. It is Ukraine that is making the biggest sacrifice, he says.

According to him, it is not only in the interests of Ukraine and Moldova that support for Ukraine is continued, although Sandu does not directly mention the delays of the United States and European countries in delivering fresh aid packages.

– I believe and count on the solidarity of the world’s democracies and I hope that Ukraine will continue to receive all possible support it needs, he says in an interview.

According to Sandu, Moldova has helped Ukraine as much as it can. Moldova has trained engineers and supported 80,000 Ukrainians who sought asylum in the country. Half of them are children.

Moldova and Ukraine have started EU membership negotiations

The member states of the European Union decided at their summit in mid-December that EU membership negotiations will begin with Moldova and Ukraine. During the long negotiation process, the candidates are required to improve legislation and meet EU standards.

After Sandu defeated his pro-Russia counter-candidate Igon Dodon with a clear majority in the presidential elections in 2020, he has pushed one of Europe’s poorest countries towards joining the continent’s mainstream.

Sandu has promised to seek another term in next year’s presidential election. He has also asked the parliament led by his center-right PAS party to hold a referendum to support his political policies, writes Reuters.

Source: Reuters
