Snowy weather approaching – SMHI issues yellow warnings

SMHI has issued several yellow warnings for snowfall and strong winds, the warnings are valid from midnight to Thursday morning.

The storm causes traffic in the morning as the snowfall is expected to change to rain, which in turn causes slippage and snow formations on the roads.

– If you are on your way home from the Christmas celebrations, you should perhaps ease off the gas a little, says SVT’s meteorologist Nils Holmqvist.

Low pressure sweeping in

The warnings include large parts of Västra Götaland county as well as Östergötland, Närke and parts of Sörmland. But the snow also reaches Gästrikland, Hälsingland, Härjedalen and southern Jämtland, writes TT.

The cause of the storm is a new low pressure that sweeps in over the west coast during the night to Thursday.

In the Jämtland and Härjedalsfjällen, the avalanche danger has been upgraded to a third on a five-point scale, according to National avalanche forecasts from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.
