Johanna Jansson’s life in prison – tried to make home-brew

Johanna Janssons life in prison tried to make home brew

The 20-year-old was sentenced for the murder of Tove in Vetlanda Johanna Jansson to sixteen years in prison by the Court of Appeal. Janson has been warned several times for inappropriate behavior at the Hinseberganstalten where she is incarcerated. It was The evening paper first to report on.

Several incident reports

Johanna Jansson is sitting in Hinseberg awaiting a verdict from the Supreme Court, which will take up the case again. During her time at the institution, she has stated that she felt threatened at Hinseberg. According to information to Aftonbladet, she must have stated that the other inmates at the institution pointed fingers and shouted threatening things at Jansson, who then received more extensive surveillance.

This is how Lucia is celebrated at the Hinseberg women’s institution: “A little Christmas coffee”

Previously at Hinseberg, she also had contact with inmates from other departments, something that was not allowed. She is said to have hid under a jacket outside in the rest yard and whispered to other people.

Try mixing alcohol

At the beginning of December, Johanna Jansson is said to have mixed apple, sugar and boiling water in thermoses. When she and some other inmates were caught, they said they were making tea. The thermoses were seized due to suspicions that Jansson and the inmates were trying to make mash – a kind of home cooking.
