Nerve-crushing trailer for Land of Bad

Nerve crushing trailer for Land of Bad

Liam Hemsworth will soon be fighting monsters and the heavy Henry Cavill legacy in the Netflix series The Witcher. From season 4 onwards, the Australian takes over the fantasy role from the Brit. Before that, you can see Hemsworth in a completely different environment: as a Navy Seal explosive war scenario.

Land of Bad will be released early next year and will star Liam Hemsworth, his brother Luke and Gladiator star Russell Crowe. Check out the impressive trailer here.

Land of Bad: Jungle Fight with Liam Hemsworth and Russell Crowe

Land of Bad – Trailer 1 (English) HD

The film comes from director William Eubank, who most recently produced the sci-fi horror Underwater with Kristen Stewart in the lead role. Underwater flopped in theaters but received favorable reactions from critics and audiences.

What is Land of Bad about?

Land of Bad tells a modern war story: In the film, the Air ForceDrone pilot Reaper (Russell Crowe) and a task force led by young Kinney (Hemsworth) are sent on a deadly mission to the Philippines. When enemy forces discover the team and find them trapped with no hope of escape, Reaper’s skills are their only hope of salvation.

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When does Land of Bad start in cinemas?

Land of Bad will be released in cinemas in the USA on February 15, 2024. Unfortunately, the war film has not yet had a German release. The visually stunning trailer screams for a theatrical release, but it is not impossible that Land of Bad will end up directly on a streaming platform in this country.

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What are the best films released exclusively on Netflix, Amazon and Co. this year? We look back at the streaming year 2023 and introduce you to the best cinematic encounters we had on a streaming service in 2023.

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