What if corporate rumors were good?

What if corporate rumors were good

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    Noises of color, whispers from the coffee machine… Gossip is an integral part of corporate life. While this practice often has negative connotations, a study states that it can be beneficial under certain conditions.

    The authors of this article published in the journal Group & Organization Management arrived at this surprising conclusion after surveying 338 healthcare professionals. They discussed several topics with them related to the social function of rumor at work. They asked them about their perceptions of gossip when it concerns their colleagues, their superiors or the company that employs them.

    The researchers were thus able to observe that rumor can prove useful when it concerns management or the company. But surprisingly, study participants gave more credence to hearsay when it was of a positive nature. They show more interest in gossip that could help improve or solidify corporate culture, than in those conveying negative and anxiety-provoking beliefs.

    One might expect that more negative rumors would be seen as a tactic to gain more power. Whoever spreads them would like to attract attention or have their moment of glory. But the academics noted that the study participants did not think so. “In fact, we’ve found that people don’t view this type of gossip as real news and simply see the peddler as someone who wants to complain“, says Jinhee Moon, co-author of the study, in a statement.

    This study also teaches us that “positive” office rumors, that is to say those which aim to start a discussion and encourage exchange, can help to build employee loyalty. “If you’re experiencing difficulties in your workplace, perhaps you’ll want to engage in positive gossip with your co-workers and talk about the more bearable aspects of your business. Ultimately, this can help you gain some personal power. It’s a very practical way to alleviate negative feelings about your own workplace, which can benefit you in the long run,” Moon said in the same statement.

    According to academics, it is important for employers to be aware of the positive and negative impact that gossip can have. They must create a sufficiently calm working atmosphere so that their teams do not see rumors as the only possible alternative to their need for recognition or their fear of the unknown. “For employees to participate in positive gossip, the company must do the right thing by treating them well and [en leur montrant] that she cares about their well-being“, summarizes Ms. Moon.

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