Their numbers are increasing! They set out to fight against Russia

Their numbers are increasing They set out to fight against

While the conflicts that started after Russia’s invasion operation in Ukraine continue on the 21st day, new foreign fighters are added to the war zone every day. Belarusian fighters, who came to Lviv after the ongoing attacks of Russia, also left the city by train from Kyiv to join the fight on the Ukrainian front.

20 fighters, who came to Lviv Train Station with their camouflages and weapons, said that they were ready to fulfill the task that the Ukrainian army would give them.

Stating that they set out to fight against Russia, team leader Pavel Kulazhanka emphasized that unlike Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko, they stand by Ukraine.

Kulazhanka stated that they were absolutely not afraid of going to Kiev and fighting, “We are all quite calm. We know why we are here. We will fight for the independence of Ukraine. Because we know very well that if Ukraine is not independent, Belarus will not be independent in the future. That’s why I will fight our common enemy to the end.” used the phrases. (AA)


