Christmas, a birth and 20 guests to manage: “a New Year’s Eve like no other”

Christmas a birth and 20 guests to manage a New

On December 24, Émilie enjoys the Christmas meal, surrounded by her family. But contractions surprise her, she misses the log… Head to the maternity ward, under the snow. Testimony.

A story worthy of a Christmas tale. At 27, Émilie is expecting her first child. While she was due to give birth on January 4, 2011, a nice surprise arose in the middle of the December 24 festivities. However, meeting her baby on Christmas Day was not part of her plans: “What an idea !”, she exclaims. A magical moment that she shares with emotion.

“I was suffering and my father asked me if I wanted some log, a real sketch!”

On New Year’s Eve, Émilie is somewhat inconvenienced: “I felt tight in my back and stomach. It started the same morning, I didn’t know how to put myself on.” 8 and a half months pregnant, these little inconveniences do not alarm her. But during dinner, things get complicated. The first contractions appear around 10:30 p.m. and are becoming more and more regular. “I was suffering and my father asked me if I wanted some logs, a real sketch!” But PWhen it came to giving in to the sweet tradition, we had to go to the maternity ward. “My partner, Maxime, was driving at 30 km/h, it was snowing. For my part, I was stressed and I knew my family would miss me.” Arriving at the Jacques Monod Hospital Center in Flers, the atmosphere was also festive.

“I saw the midwife and her flashing Christmas hat”

Although Émilie entered the maternity ward on New Year’s Eve, the medical staff, who were understaffed, were able to take care of her quickly: “I was the only one to give birth.” A chance ! “The midwives and caregivers wore Christmas hats and the maternity ward flashed,” she remembers. Once the epidural was placed, she was able to relax, unlike the future father. “Maxime was worried about the December 25 meal that he had organized. He was expecting 20 people.” But very quickly, the work would begin. “It was very funny, when I had to push, I had a view of the midwife and his flashing Christmas hat.

An incredible scene following which she met her son, Abel, born at 5:45 a.m. “I celebrated Christmas early in the morning with a croissant, I saw the snow falling through the window, I had my baby, the rest, I didn’t care.” The following year, Émilie was nostalgic: “I was very moved on New Year’s Eve. We put Abel to bed and we went, exceptionally, to midnight mass. It was a beautiful ceremony. Since when have I heard Michael Bublé sing “All I want for Christmas is you” , I have tears!”
