Philippe Poutou continues the meetings for lack of space in the media

Among those nicknamed ” the little candidates of the French presidential election, is Philippe Poutou. But the one who represents the New Anti-Capitalist Party (NPA) does not intend to let himself be sidelined in the battle for the Élysée. In the absence of a media exposure of which he considers himself deprived, the candidate of the revolutionary left connects the meetings, like Tuesday March 15 in Lille.

With our special correspondent in Lille,

Small microphone problem for Philippe Poutou, but a big smile for the NPA candidate. In front of a full house, he savors the fact of being able to carry out his third presidential campaign, after having obtained the necessary sponsorships from elected officials: We have the feeling that we have achieved a feat, because in fact, we are entering a kind of campaign where we are not invited… “.


A feeling of intrusion reinforced by the fact that Philippe Poutou was not invited to the first major television program devoted to the presidential election. In the audience, Lola, denounces an injustice: ” It’s a shame all the same, because in the end, it’s a part of the population that we refuse to let express themselves and I think that there, in times of war, of Covid-19, there is a need to let people express themselves ».

And the rebellious speech of the anti-capitalist candidate seduces the young people who come to listen to him. Even if Tristan still hesitates with Jean-Luc Mélenchon, better placed in the polls ” It is true that there is this notion of useful voting. As a student, we say to ourselves:can I really get away with five more years under Macron?“. But, of course, the ideal would be Poutou ».

change through revolution

A dilemma of which Philippe Poutou is well aware, but which he rejects: ” This is why we disagree with Mélenchon. When he says “vote for me, you will see what i will do behind“. Well, no, don’t be smart, because you won’t do anything behind it, because there are political and social forces that are much stronger. »

The only solution for the NPA candidate: change through revolution, of which his campaign, even quietly, is the first step.

Also to listen: Philippe Poutou: “military interventions have never helped people”
