Children died at home due to 1177’s misjudgment

Children died at home due to 1177s misjudgment

A child died at home, due to a lack of call handling at 1177. Now the Västra Götaland region admits in a lex Maria report that 1177 handled the situation inadequately, which Siren also reported on.

Doctors pronounced the wrong person dead at a nursing home in Linköping

Died at home of dehydration and pneumonia

Parents of a child with a respiratory infection must have called 1177 several times about the child vomiting up everything he ingested. The patient remained at home after the counseling and died a few hours later from dehydration and pneumonia.

The nurses on 1177 did not inform themselves sufficiently about the youngster’s condition and jumped to the conclusion that it was a stomach bug, according to the investigation.

The child should have been more clearly referred to hospital, according to the report to the Inspectorate for Care and Care (Ivo).

Woman suffered a cardiac arrest and died – assessment of the condition took too long
