TIM: Vivendi summons received, moving forward with Netco operation

TIM Vivendi summons received moving forward with Netco operation

(Finance) – TIM “announces that it has received notification today of an ordinary summons from Vivendi, in which the legitimacy of the board resolution taken by the company on November 5, with which the sale of the so-called NetCo was approved”. The company itself announced this in a note.

It should be noted – we read again – “that Vivendi it did not formulate any precautionary request, nor did it ask to urgently inhibit the execution of the resolution and the consequent negotiating acts. The activities envisaged by the agreements with KKR aimed at closing the operation will therefore continue, as expected, without delays or interruptions.

As for the content of the initiative of Vivendi (announced for months to the market with effects on the performance of stock market prices), it should be noted that it is based on topics that the Company has already analyzed in detail at the time of approval of the operation and that a prodromal comparison, although sought several times by the Company, would perhaps have helped in a better understanding of the matter and its legitimacy and avoided prolonging over time a climate of uncertainty and instability to the detriment of TIM’s shareholders and other stakeholders”.
