The cat Klara is taking the Swedes by storm

The cat Klara is taking the Swedes by storm

The press agency launched an online competition where Swedes could register their cat for the Lussekatt of the Year and vote for their favourite. The competition was a success and Pressbyrån received 120,000 unique visitors to their website.

– We know that cute animals engage, but none of us at Pressbyrån had expected the overwhelming response! tells Lennart Schultz who is marketing and communications manager for Reitan Convenience Sweden, in a press release.

The food-loving winner: Klara the cat

News24 has been in contact with the winner and her owner who took the Swedes by storm. The cat Clara received 18,498 votes, which makes her the Fluffy Cat of the Year 2023.

Photo: Private.

Klara is 1.5 years old and lives in Jakobsberg. In her description at Pressbyrån, you can read: “Klara is the world’s (food) happiest girl. She has had it pretty bad in the past but with great courage and curiosity has become the world’s most loved fluffy cat!”

Klara’s owner has shared her daily routine with Nyheter24:

  • 06.00: Wake up mom and dad because I’m super hungry then. Haven’t eaten all night except for dry food, nappy!
  • 07.00: Then it’s time to go to the toilet.
  • 08.00: The family goes to work and I take the opportunity to spread cat litter throughout the apartment so that they have to bring out the vacuum cleaner (which I hate) every night.
  • Then when everyone gets home, it’s time for my own dinner and then I always plan an attack on the other people’s plates when they have dinner.
  • Before I go to bed again, it’s time for the last toilet visit of the day.
  • Last but not least, I’ll just find the most inappropriate position in the bed so that no one else lying there dares to move because they don’t want to wake me up!
  • Photo: Private. The best tip to win the Year’s Fluffy Cat

    The family also shares tips for those who want to win the Lussecat of the Year next year. They tell us that it is important to ask everyone to vote.

    – Our best tip is to take the best picture you have of your kitty and tell us about something special that particular kitty does. Then you have to be a hard person and ask exactly everything and everyone to vote during those weeks because it pays off!

    Photo: Private.
