Swedish sniper Johan sacrificed everything to help Ukraine’s military in the war against Russia

At home in Sweden, Johan Fredriksson’s wife Linda and daughters were waiting for him to come home.

– We agreed that this was something he needed to do. It wasn’t that I wanted him to go, but I understood that this was something he needed, says Linda.

In the interview with SVT, Johan himself talks about the meaning of the life-threatening missions – and shares his films from the front.

During the recording he was masked:

– The role I have as a sniper is a little more sought after and especially as a Westerner, I don’t even want to take the risk of getting my name or image out there.

Now SVT can show his face. Johan was 40 years old.

Johan and Linda’s own words and pictures have become a documentary about the couple, about the war in Ukraine and how it reaches us in Sweden.

See more in the clip above or watch the full documentary at SVT Play.
