Netflix has the perfect role model this year and this is what the film could look like

Netflix has the perfect role model this year and this

Leave the World Behind has been dominating the Netflix Top 10 for a week now. Sam Esmail’s sci-fi disaster film has reached a large audience – and left them with many questions. The story ends openly, but does that also mean that Leave the World Behind Part 2 coming? Unfortunately it’s not that easy. The film itself is complete. However, the past has shown that Netflix will not let this stop them.

We explain how the possibilities for one Leave the World Behind sequel look.

What is known about Leave the World Behind Part 2 and what speaks against it

Leave the World Behind is about the Sandford family. She goes on a spontaneous vacation to a beach area near New York. The Airbnb idyll is disturbed by GH Scott (Mahershala Ali) and his daughter Ruth (Myha’la Herrold). They pose as the actual residents of the house that Amanda Sandford (Julia Roberts) has rented. The two families have to come to terms. Then the internet goes down, the television doesn’t work and a government announcement declares a national emergency.


The children in Leave the World Behind

At first glance There is little to be said for itthat Netflix is ​​getting more out of the Leave the World Behind story:

  • Rumaan Alam wrote the book template for Leave the World Behind, which was published in 2020. It has appeared so far no sequel and there is nothing of the sort being discussed

  • Director Sam Esmail has also so far did not comment on continuation plans. Just like Rumaan Alam’s original, he deliberately left his film with an open ending
  • There are also no signals that Netflix is ​​planning a kind of Leave the World Behind universe
  • However, the film has only been on the platform for a week. The longer Netflix audiences stay interested in Leave the World Behind, the more Netflix will think about how to exploit the world
  • The likelihood of a direct sequel to Leave the World Behind is still close to zero. A follow-up plot that answers open questions would satisfy the needs of the audience, but contradict the vision of the director and the book author. Leave the World Behind draws its special atmosphere and tension from the expectation of catastrophe – and not its fulfillment. There are enough post-apocalyptic films.

    However, not all options are exhausted. Just this year, Netflix demonstrated its creativity in exploiting successful sci-fi stories.

    Leave the World Behind Part 2 is possible – but completely different than you think

    The sci-fi horror Bird Box with Sandra Bullock was the most successful Netflix film for a long time and is still at number 4 on the leaderboard with 157 million views (Leave the World Behind was viewed 41 million times after one week). Bird Box is also based on a book and there was even a sequel *. But Netflix hasn’t made it into a film (yet). Instead, that misplaced Spin-off Bird Box Barcelona the scenario after Spain: In the summer of 2023 we were able to find out how people in Catalonia blindfold themselves.


    The adults in Leave the World Behind

    Back to Leave the World Behind: In the Julia Roberts film we see how the rural area around the metropolis of New York falls into chaos. What is happening in parallel in other parts of the world or even just the USA remains a mystery. So how about Leave the World Behind Latvia? Or, if you can do it without alliteration, Leave the World Behind Spain/England/Germany?

    Leave the World Behind Germany: Why not?

    Let’s play through the Leave the World Behind Germany scenario: All the film would need is a cast, an ensemble of characters and a location that corresponds to the specific characteristics of Leave the World Behind: a cut-off vacation spot near a metropolis, a wealthy family, an even richer family, a Holiday home is rented out – and then the well-known plagues of the original are unleashed, i.e. internet failure, deer, airplanes and Lyme disease.

    In Leave the World Behind Germany, for example, one would Hamburg family on vacation on Sylt make – starring Alexandra Maria Lara as Julia Roberts and Florian David Fitz as Ethan Hawke. The disaster scenario would have to be adapted to local conditions. At the same time, the film could show further facets of cyber attacks without completely revealing the mystery.

    All parties could live well with this variant – Neftlix, the creators and the audience.

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