GTA 5 load time on PS5 is 3x faster than PS4

GTA 5 load time on PS5 is 3x faster than

The endless loading times of GTA 5 in the old generation seem to be quite restrained with the new generation.

Grand Theft Auto V, which was opened to access with the new generation version on the night of March 14 to 15, was presented to the players with various technical updates such as ray tracing supported graphic modes. In the first tests, when switching to the story mode from the main menu of the game, it was observed that the loading time, which exceeded one and a half minutes in the PlayStation 4 version, took only 27 seconds on the PlayStation 5. In other words, in the new generation GTA 5 install time has become exactly 3 times faster than the previous generation.

What is the secret of the increase in GTA 5 loading time?

Hardware is the primary factor that determines the reduction in load times in next-gen versions of various games. Now, with consoles using SSD, the loading times of games can be shortened by up to 60%. However, the software factor can also be very influential on loading times. We can cite Ghost of Tsushima as one of the best examples of this. The game was quite successful with 5-6 second loading times even on old generation consoles. Along with PS5, we encountered almost instantaneous loading times in games such as Horizon Forbidden West, Spider-Man: Miles Morales. Although GTA 5 lags behind these games with its loading times, it seems to have made a big leap compared to the previous generation.

The online mode of GTA 5, which debuted in three different versions in 3 generations, will be free for PlayStation Plus members for three months.
