feverishness wins Éric Zemmour’s campaign

Less than a month before the first round of the presidential election, Emmanuel Macron still dominates in the polls, ahead of Marine Le Pen. Éric Zemmour is far behind, sometimes given 5th place behind Valérie Pécresse and Jean-Luc Mélenchon. The dynamic of the Reconquest candidate was stopped dead by the war in Ukraine and since then he has had a series of disappointments.

Hesitant on TF1 Monday March 14, targeted by a jet of egg moving in the south-west last Saturday, damaged by its brutal debate against Valérie Pécressethe bad spell continues for Eric Zemmour. The signs of feverishness are increasingly visible, reports Julien Chavanne from the political service of RFI.

The presentation of his poster organized with great fanfare with Éric Zemmour this Tuesday is simply canceled. And in a biting press release, the candidate directly attacks Marine Le Pen, accused of being afraid to debate with him, and of being Emmanuel Macron’s “objective ally”.

At Marine Le Pen, we rub our hands

The Zemmour camp relied heavily on TV debates and the sequence of rallies, but the war in Ukraine derailed everything. Éric Zemmour had already estimated that the war in Ukraine “ divert attention » from “major topics like the fight against immigration, his hobbyhorse, and the clash of civilizations “.

At the headquarters of her rival Marine Le Pen, we obviously rub our hands. ” Eric Zemmour has lost confidence. None of his secret boots worked, the rallying of Marion Maréchal did not change anything “, rejoices a relative of the candidate RN.

Convinced of being in the second round, Marine Le Pen refuses any debate, except with Emmanuel Macron.
