Israeli soldiers are condemned for actions in Gaza

In recent days, images and videos of Israeli soldiers in Gaza have circulated. One of the video clips shows a large group of soldiers dancing and singing a chant that includes the text line: “I have come to conquer Gaza”.

The chant is based on a football chant for the team Beitar Jerusalem whose dedicated fans have been known for racist chants and rowdy behaviour.

The AP news agency has verified the surroundings, uniforms and language heard in the video – which is consistent with independent reports from the war.

Soldiers attempt to set fire to supplies

AP has also obtained video clips that appear to have been posted by the soldiers themselves. Among other things, a soldier can be seen moving Muslim prayer mats to a bathroom and a soldier filming underwear in someone’s home.

In one picture, a soldier can be seen posing next to a spray-painted text on a building that reads “Instead of erasing graffiti, let’s erase Gaza”.

Another video shows soldiers trying to set fire to a truck carrying water bottles and what appear to be boxes of candy.

Disciplinary actions

On Sunday, IDF spokesperson Daniel Hagari commented on the actions. He believes that they are isolated cases.

– In all events that do not conform to the IDF’s values, commands and disciplinary measures will be taken, he says.

– Soldiers in the field are obliged to act professionally and ethically, and we will not compromise on this, he continues.
