What is rabies? What are the symptoms of rabies? Is there a cure for rabies?

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One of the diseases that requires immediate intervention is rabies. Rabies virus can be transmitted from different animals such as bats and dogs to other animals, or from animals to humans. Neglect can have consequences up to death. If an animal bite occurs and the animal is a foreign animal, it is necessary to go to a health institution or doctor without delay and get the necessary first aid immediately.

Rabies is a disease that is generally transmitted from animal to human through bite or caused by a virus that animals transmit to each other. This virus negatively affects all central nervous systems, including the brains and spinal cords, of living beings exposed to it. During the incubation period, the possibility of the virus spreading should be monitored and timely intervention should be made.

Ten days is the accepted incubation period for rabies. In rare cases, it may take a year. In this process, the virus moves step by step along all nerves towards the brain. The transmitted infection creates inflammation in the brain and spinal cord, which can lead first to encephalopathy (types of diseases that change the entire function and structure of the brain) and then to death.

The virus that causes rabies can pass from various animals to other animals or from animals to humans. Domestic animals being bitten by a foreign and wild animal also causes rabies. Animals known to be at highest risk in this regard are:

  • bats
  • skunks
  • raccoons
  • foxes
  • non-domestic dogs

From the moment the virus infects the body through biting, it may not take long for it to follow the nerves and reach the brain. The first symptoms of rabies can be observed on average within a month to three months. The first symptoms of this virus in humans are not specific as in other viral infections. The most common symptoms of rabies are:

  • Headache
  • A general feeling of ill health
  • Depression
  • Nausea
  • vomiting due to nausea
  • High fever
  • Itching, pain or tingling in the bitten area

The virus also causes different causes in the brain and spinal cord. These are the neurological symptoms of the rabies virus. These symptoms are as follows:

  • excessive saliva production
  • state of anxiety
  • Anxiety
  • hallucinations
  • state of being overly excited
  • suffering from insomnia
  • blurred consciousness
  • Fear of water accompanied by a feeling of thirst
  • Paralysis in the lower leg
  • sore throat
  • Swallowing and swallowing problems

In order to diagnose rabies, it is important to capture the animal that bit the human, because the presence of rabies must be confirmed by testing the animal. However, the animal must be unharmed in order to be subjected to tests. If the bitten person has rabies virus, the biting animal will not show any direct symptoms, so the biting animal should be followed.

Is there a cure for rabies?

In case of being bitten by an animal, if the animal is not vaccinated or it is not known whether it is vaccinated, the first thing to do is to go to a health institution and get a rabies vaccination as recommended by the doctor.

For rabies treatment, you should go to the emergency room immediately after being bitten. The wound is cleaned and, if not present, a tetanus shot is given first. The start of treatment depends on several conditions. These conditions are:

  • Determining whether the animal bites as a result of being frightened or provoked
  • Information about the type of animal that bit, whether it is wild or domesticated
  • Finding out the vaccination history of the biting animal and whether it is vaccinated or not
  • Listening to the guidance and recommendations of local health authorities regarding this situation

If deemed necessary by the doctor, the rabies vaccine should be given regularly and the process should be followed. Since it is a harsh vaccine, it may have a few common side effects that are considered not too risky. These effects are:

  • Joint pain
  • Fire
  • Hives
  • Having difficulty breathing
  • Hoarseness of voice
  • Acceleration in heart rate
  • feeling of powerlessness
  • Pallor
