Schibsted wants to sell the news business

Updated 07.22 | Published 07.04

full screen Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB

Schibsted wants to sell its news business.

The goal is to split the group into two parts.

“If the deal goes through, it means that Schibsted will be split into two more clearly focused companies,” the company writes in a press release.

The Norwegian media giant Schibsted wants to sell its news business, the company states in one press release.

Schibsted ASA and the largest owner Stiftelsen Tinius through Blommenholm Industrier AS have started the process. If it goes through, the board will request the shareholders’ approval at an annual general meeting.

“If the deal goes through, it means that Schibsted will be split into two more clearly focused companies: a media company that is fully owned by the Tinius Foundation, and a listed marketplace company,” writes Schibsted in a press release.

Schibsted owns Aftonbladet, Omni and Svenska Dagbladet in Sweden, as well as several newspapers in Norway.

The text is updated.
